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Ghost Race


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I need a new ghost race added to the game. I have seen some out there but they're not exactly what I want. I need the spectral effect to not extend passed the skin. I want armor, clothing, etc to still look normal over the spectral being. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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I've been trying and so far, I can pretty easily make only the player itself "ghostly"(blue) and keep the clothes' color, but I'm trying to find a way to only affect the the skin's alpha, which isn't going quite as easily.

Edited by Fantafaust
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Yeah, this won't seem to be so easy as I think most Hit Actor Effects affect the entire body, including clothes. Try checking out the vanilla script(s) used for the Ghost effects and maybe you can put conditions there so that it doesn't affect equipment. (*shrug* I've no idea about scripting. xD)

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