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Borderless Skyrim


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So one of the great parts of Oblivion was that we could turn the borders off. Then, modders could add new worlds and provinces in the same world space.


Elsywr, Valenwood, Hammerfell, Skyrim and Black Marshes were all modded into the game this way.


Can we do that in Skyrim? If so, who wants to help me make a sweet-arse Hammerfell desert wasteland?

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With the Creation Kit (Pretty much the G.E.C.K. but even easier to use) you will be able to delete the invisible walls with the press of a button. Skyrim will most likely be easier than anything you've ever modded in Oblivion.
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that sounds so beast, srry i have literally no modding experience aside DA:O and all i did was add spears


Stealing the dragon race mod support banner^^^^


BTW did you know, bethesda called it elsywr becaues they couldn't think of a unique name, the y was just to make it look like it was unique but said in game its pretty much said else where

Edited by NeroAkira
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haha not surprised. I always pronounced it that way.


The elswyr mod was freaking fantastic. I loved how my thief guy could rob a vault in Imperial City and high-tail it out to the desert with his criminal companion fellers to divvy out the loot. Then I bought a nice beachhouse in Valenwood and never fricked with the Empire unless I wanted to rob something.


That's the kind of stuff I want in Skyrim.

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