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So... Woodcutting


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Well, seeing as how I was looking for a mod so I could let my guy keep choppin wood whenever I went out for a smoke, I'd say there's some demand here.


And get yer knickers unknotted over what is and isn't a cheat, they had to come up with an arbitrary number of animations (like 3) because if they made it dedicated 10 minutes of woodcutting no matter what, no one would do it. So yeah, high horse and snooty snit snit aside, is there a friggen mod for this or not?



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yeah i want a mod too, console commands feel a little too much like cheating for some people, we still want the immersion of having to "earn" it, even if it means leaving the pc while you watch some tv, its still more immersive to come back with a bunch of gold made by "working" than just spammig stuff in your inventory. Respect the RP feeling. Edited by Wraithofdoom
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I too am interested to change the number of woodcutting/mining actions, but I'm still exploring the Creation Kit. If I find a solution, I will let you know.


Update: looks like ore veins are not containers anymore. The same is probably true for tree stumps. They are nothing more than activators with an attached script. Let's change the script then...


Scriptname ResourceFurnitureScript extends ObjectReference  Conditional
{script for furniture which the player can use to get resources}

formlist Property requiredItemList Auto  
{required for player to use - optional}

Message Property FailureMessage Auto  
{Message to say why you can't use this without RequiredWeapon}

MiscObject Property Resource Auto  
{what you get from using this furniture}

int Property ResourceCount = 1 Auto
{how many resources you get per use}

int property MaxResourcePerActivation = 6 auto
{How many times can this object be used before the player has to re-activate?}


int property MaxResourcePerActivation = 6 auto

You get 2 pieces of wood per cutting

Therefore, you can cut three times before you have to reactivate the stump. Increase 6 to 10 in order to chop five times per cutting. Or increase it even more.

Edited by Bismarck
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