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Map Icons


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I know Skyrim just came out and most of us are still playing it non-stop (myself included) but I would really like it if somebody could make a mod that changed the color of a location's icon once it reaches the "cleared" status. I'm kinda a completion freak and it's annoying to look through a map-full of icons trying to find those few places you haven't cleared yet. I was thinking maybe just a gold with a gradient to white to symbolize when it has been cleared. I would honestly do this myself but I don't know how to mod. Thanks for reading! Edited by Btasty
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I strongly support this idea :)


In fact I only registered here searching for a mod like this.


And it seems that we even imagined the same solution (colouring a dungeon "goldish" on the map once it got the "cleared"-Tag).


So if one of the seasoned modders could make this, I´d be really gratefull.



Otherwise some links to UI-Modding Tutorials for Skyrim and I would try to do this myself.


I imagine this to be relatively simple since the game already has all the required sources available and in an ideal world the mod should be somthing like:


If $clearingtag == true

location_map_colour = DEC640


Yeah I am afraid it wont be that simple (or written in python), yet if someone could give me some general directions on how to mod this I would try to do this :)



Edited by Aerouge
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