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Companions Armor !


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Hi all!!


I noticed that we could equip our companions with better weapons, but we could not change their armor. Is it possible to create a mod that would equip them with better armor companions in the same way that changes their weapons? I want to be able to hold or armor I want to my Lydia :rolleyes: !


Thank you a thousand times to the one that will create this mod!!!


Sincerely, Dovakhiin, son of fashion designer.

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Hello zekemckillip thank you for your answer,


I also have changed the shield of the companion of solitude in front of her throwing a shield that I had in my inventory and it was better but I really want him to put what I want, I have good armor that I keep in my trunk! The idea would be to change his armor in the menu of exchange with her, as for his weapons.


(sorry for my bad English is not my native language :confused: )

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I am confused on this. on the 360 version i play. i can give my followers any type of armor or weapon if better than what they have will be put on. atm i have a imperial armored 2hander axe follower and he was the guy in riverside the archer. all i did was store it in his inventory under the take/store items dialog. :dry: if this helps?
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