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Shared Chests - Object Reference in Furniture

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Hi people, I'm new here, and completely new to FO4 modding. I'm trying to add craftable shared chests to the game, containers that share the same inventory no matter where they are. Basicly I create a closed cell with a few containers, and then I add craftable furniture fake chests that activate the real chests remotely. I found in a Skyrim tutorial that there is a script which does exactly that. It's called Activate_LinkedChestDummyScript, but I couldn't find it in FO4, so I tried to make it myself. Looking at some old post for FO3, I tried to adapt an old script to the new syntaxis and made this:

Scriptname RemoteOpenContainer extends ObjectReference

ObjectReference LinkedChest

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference Activator)
	LinkedChest = self.GetLinkedRef()

Its supposed to activate a linked reference, every time the object itself is activated. If I add this script to a Static object, I could add the real chest as a reference, and perhaps it could work. However, the fake chest does not exist, it's a constructable item. So, to attach a script to it, I need to make it a Furniture, right? But as I can see in the Furniture properties window, there is not a way to add references to it. Is there another way to accomplish what I'm trying to do? Sorry if my question is too basic.

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