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Hi my name is Daniel and I would like to make a request for a mod nothing big just simple please no hate its just a while back i had lost my grandfather and a few other family members and i would like to add them to a grave yard in skyrim i know this may sound a little....well weird but i can promise you i have good reason to request this mod i wanted to get a mod like this so that i may visit my grandfathers grave he meant very very much to me you may ask "why dont you just visit his grave in real life?" well thats the problem his real grave is currently in new jersey and i live all the way in Iowa so the only way i would be able to see his real grave is if i flew out there. So please if someone has the time and a very kind heart could you please make a very simple and basic mod for me and well all the other people like me whether it be for a real grave or for a fallen companion that meant something to them anyways thank you for reading my request and as always have a awesome day.

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