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Definitely need a dragon mount.


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So, I was kind of disappointed that the only thing you got for beating the main quest was a dragon summon (which blows) and two whole shouts. I didn't think it would have been over so quickly- I was hoping for a giant dragon apocalypse and crap. But whatever.


I was really really hoping that the dragon you captured and got to help you would let you fly around on him. I was reeeeeaaaaaaaallly hoping you'd get to turn INTO a dragon and just fly around and breathe fire. I did not think that wish would have been answered. YET, I got Skyrim on pc for a reason: to mod the hell out of it.


I loved the Akatosh mount in Oblivion, I'm looking forward to one in skyrim- seeing as the better dragon models and animations are all there. Also, does anyone know of some respawn mods? I kind of miss killing dragons now that the quest is over.

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As you can see from my sig, I too am DYING for a mod that lets us play as a dragon. Their's no chance there won't be one, as Skyrim will have thousands of mods once the CS is released, but I am just praying it will be soon that we shall see a well-made mod for this.


And I agree about the Dragon Apocalypse thing, the whole big-bad DRAGON INVASION wasn't very big after all, but I am experienced with the G.E.C.K. and once I get bored with playing Skyrim (Not very likely that will be any time soom) I will have a go at a type of Dragon Apocalypse mod that will add tons of dragons all over Skyrim attacking villages and such, for people who want more of a challenge with the main quest or want dragons back.

Edited by Vaktus
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It'll happen.


I don't just want a dragon mount, however. Riding a dragon? Pfft, that's been a done. What about "dragonback" combat? Fighting on the back of a dragon? Commanding it to burn those pitiful little ants that we call "humans"?


I want to cause chaos, destruction, fiiiiiiiiire!

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