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You people are racist against mudcrabs. Did you know they are pretty competent? They help me level my Block and Heavy armor lol.


And yes it's possible to level only non-combat skills and you'll be weak after. So level some combat skill. Like humble shield + sword combo.


edit: typo

Edited by babis8142
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so really a character that uses crafting skills AND combat skills could be weaker than one who doesnt use crafting?


that kind of sucks


i suppose i could try max my combat skills first but still.. they should have made crafting a whole different part of the game where it doesnt affect your total level

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No if you level Crafting and Combat skills together you won't have a problem. That's what I do. My crafting is like 50 something and my two handed is 40. I'm level 15 and I'm fine. My two handed Dwarven sword does 42 damage lol
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I find nothing wrong with it. I mean, if you have someone who focuses on crafting and never fights, obviously they're going to be weaker than someone who focusing on fighting and crafts on the side. The realism of it I enjoy.


But yes, it can break the game if you do it that way unless you tgm your way to a decent combat level. I suspect there will be a mod to fix the issue in the near future, though I personally won't use it.

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I'm a living example; I used Pickpocketing SO much that I got to level 100 in it, and the enemies were wiping the floor with me, but luckily I was still able to survive for the most part.
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