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Enemies React to Damage Mod


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Skyrim's combat has been vastly improved, though the spells and swords and bows seem extremely lethal, they lack a true sense of force. My friends and I would love to see a mod where enemies react to a slash, or a shot to the arm from an arrow. This would add immersion and realism to the game. What do you guys think?
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i think it would be an awesome mod for me....all i do is hunt dragons and its retarded how i charge my attack and it takes out half the things health but he just sits their like nothing hit him.....
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After playing a lot of Dark Souls I would really like to see the combat system work more like that.

Make it more tactical. I'd like to be able to get behind my opponents if I play my cards right.

I'd like them to stagger a bit after hitting me with my shield up, etc.

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I'm definitely for this. Gives the combat more weight and makes it feel like theres power behind your attacks. Well placed arrows shouldn't go unnoticed.

Also, being able to knock enemies down when doing a powerful melee wep swing would be cool too (see the enemy stumble backward, fall on their butt, roll maybe before scrambling to get back up before you kill them)

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