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Kerberos port fallou3 to 4

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Hey guys, I ported the Kerberos armor from 3 to New Vegas, and I am currently attempting to do the same for 4.


I am having a hard time, following through with this walk through http://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Creating_an_armour_for_Fallout_4._Part_1


I have cut up the armor, and scaled it it fit over armor in fallout 4, in doing so I lost alot of the weighting and skin that came with the newvegas nifs. I exported out of 3ds max, into blender, re weight export to a new nif, into max and then back out into fallout 4 format nif.

Where I am running into problems is the nifscope, copy and pasting nodes. Specifically the nif nod naming sequence ( not sure what has to be named to match my doner/vanilla nif and what need to be named after my custom nods). But my models are connected to skeletons and weight right.


Where I run into problems is in eliminating dismemberment, initially I could not edit bounding sphere as there were no options to do so.



From the walk through


The last part is editting some properties of each of the BSSubIndexTriShape nodes of your armour:

  1. Select one of the BSSubIndexTriShape nodes of your armour and in the Block Details:
    1. Change the value of Unknown Short 1 to 0 and the value of VF5 to 0, as shown in picture Editting properties.
  2. Then scroll down in the Block Details section:
    1. Expand the Bounding Sphere property and set to 0 the Center and Radius values as shown in picture Bounding Sphere set to 0, as clothes / armour don't use a bounding sphere.
    2. Change the value of Num A to 4 and of Num B to 4, too, as shown in picture Segments.
    3. Click on the green arrow at the right side of the Segments property: this will generate the 4 segments you've indicated in the Num A.
    4. Expand the 4 segments you've just generated.
      1. In all the segments, set the value of Unknown Hash to 429496729.
      2. In the last segment, set the value of the Triangle Count to the same number that is displayed in the Num Triangles 2 property that is just above the Num A property (in the example shown in theSegments picture, the value is 5856).


Now if I save, and exit out, reopen my nif, I get a bunch of errors (see the screenshot). But the dismemberment segments are available. I would like to sort this out before I move onto learning the material process.


(why is this so much more complicated then fo3 and skyrim?)


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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It's appears to be telling you that the number specified for the array size doesn't match the actual number of items in the array. Check your edits.
Your Nifskope is also out of date. Latest version is NifSkope 2.0.dev5 (2016-04-11)

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