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An AVP Dungeon?


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Well I was just watching Alien Versus Predator and I thought about how great it would be if somebody could make a dungeon like that into Oblivion. In particular I was thinking about the narrow triangular halways and how you could use pumped up clanfear as your aliens and Dremora as your predators....


Here's some of the ideas were looking for....






The narrow triangular hallways with clanfear roaming them, put creepy blue lights just around the corner at the end for a great look...


The moving and shifting walls (best created with ayleid secret walls), if you use fast ones it makes it even more interesting, maybe you can trap the player and force him down particularly dangerous halways like in AVP.


One room in particular, the circular room with all the eggs was my favorite. In the center of the room there should be a circle of ayleid secret walls facing downward that retract when you step on a pad that also would lower walls and so sealling you in and forcing you down the tunnel.


A coffin covered by an ayleid secret wall that would retract revealing some powerful weaponry when you press a switch, representing the predator weapons the humans found.


One last boss room where there's pretty much a lot of flames and a supersized Clanfear QUEEN representing the Alien Queen.


A new item reward, modeled after the spear/staff that the predators give to the main character in the movie.


A new alien mesh to use for the aliens. Could use clanfear, but I saw a mod that used clanfear as aliens and people didn't rate it very well because of that.


A new mesh perhaps, for the outside of the pyramid and inside the big cave.


A dremora companion you meet halfway through that wears some kind of new armour maybe? and fights the rest of the way through helping you then leaves.







I dunno, just sounded really cool to me. If some really good dungeon modder would make this I'm sure they'd make me and many others happy.

If anybody decides to make this I wouldn't really be any help to you other than concepts, but I would still like you to message me before you try so I know you're going to and can check up on your progress.

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Thanks for the replies. :thanks: I like the idea of the retextured fort objects.



Also, a little fix on my ideas. I meant clanfear, not scamp. I must not have been thinking at the time, I knew what monster I was thinking about just got the wrong name.

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This sounds like quite a fun idea... if I had the time, I'd offer to help, but unfortunately I can only offer advice, I'm afraid. I'd like to see this get made too. :)


:thanks: I'm no great shakes at the CS but I'm going to try.... I know what all of my concepts SHOULD look like but I'm not so sure how to get there.

What I really need is perhaps some sort of pyramid mesh for a big underground cave, and a new alien mesh. I saw a mod called "Aliens in Oblivion" but it was met with disgust because the aliens were just clanfear.

And a new item would be nice, perhaps that spear/staff the predators give to the main character at the end of the movie. It would be a reward at the end of the dungeon.

And come to think of it a dremora NPC that becomes your companion through most of the dungeon

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