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more bound weapons


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so I was psyched for bound weapons, took all the 2h skills, the +crit chance with greatswords, got my bound weapons damage, soul tap from bound weapons AAAAND....


there is no bound greatsword.....battleaxe....bow....and swrod is all I can find, all I see in the item list too. Would love to see someone add more.

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I was disappointed too.. I went for a bound weapons spellsword (or battlemage) and I found the 2H axe and 1H sword. I was hoping for more variety.. No bound armour at all. I'm hoping for someone too add more summonable weapons, also would be cool to see a vibrant colour shift as you perk conjuration. IE - starts off light blue, 2nd perk means the sword is a more intense blue/white and third perk changes it to a more red colour with higher stats.
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