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So what are your CMF's and CMOA's so far?


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Taking on a Dragon in Riverwood (the first village you went to) with a lightning bolt spell on my left hand, a Skyforge Steel blade with fire element on my right hand and standing my ground on the street between the forge and general store.


The dragon swooped around, occasionally landing on rooftops to breath ice onto me while I retaliated with lightning bolts, and Fire shouts while the town guards and my companion Lydia fired arrows.


Hurt the beast enough to force it to drop from the sky at the lumber mill yard beside the gate you first entered, ran to it and went blade to teeth against it.


Did a final critical blow that saw me stab up it's jaw, grab sword and flip onto the dragon's head and dispatch it by stabbing my sword to the top of the skull into the brain. Rode the head to the ground as the dragon died.


I dropped down beside it after it stopped moving while the entire village ran up to me and commented on my awesome kill. I mean they really said quote "Wow! I've never seen anything like that!" unquote.


Made my day.


PS, no one died except the dragon. Not even the chickens in town. My big fat horse though ran out of the town to the stone bridge that crossed the river. Almost thought that the dragon ate it or something.

Edited by khbazur
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A dragon landing on a smalll house in rorikstead, while looking very daunting and breathing fire, he could have taken off with it, im sure.


Aranea as a companion.


The sightless pit.

Edited by Nadimos
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