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I'm playing a Pure Mage, and Skyrim currently lets me have eight spells hotkeyed. Eight. Just within the Destruction tree, just with Fire/Frost/Shock, there are NINE spells I want hotkeyed. (Considering there's a short-range, long-range and AoE version of each.)


In Oblivion I had a Hotkey mod, for example, that allowed me to have this set up:

1 = Fire Bolt

Shift+1 = Fire Ball

Alt+1 = Burning Touch


etc. So I could have the three kinds of Destruction spell between 1-3. Feather, Night-Eye, Shield, Unlock, Water Breathing, Water Walking etc. I had all bound to my Numpad.


Then there's the summons, the shields, the wards, the light spells, the soul trap, it really destroys immersion for me, to have to fiddle with the Favourites menu every 30 seconds because I want to be an efficient mage.


I'd be extremely grateful if such a mod were released for Skyrim.

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Let me just leave this Oblivion mod here:




On hotkeys: Not just MORE, but I'd also like the multiple items, wheels and autocast.


That is to say, link both my sword and bow to 1. If I have sword equipped, switch to bow, if bow, switch to sword, etc.

Ability to hotkey a whole outfit as well as dual weapon with a single key.

And able to cast a spell with a single press. Spells like Oakflesh or summon spells for instance is annoying since they have no use during combat, just in its preparation and then, only cast once. So switch to spell, cast, then switch back to what I had on hand before. Some spells like healing perhaps cast as long as I'm holding down the hotkey?


I need someone to tell me now though whether this is currently even possible, or whether we will need to wait for the Skyrim version of OBSE?

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