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Dark Tower at Lake Ilinalta


Hey guys,

At the moment I’ve got my tent set up in the remains of FC Kagrenacs Instant Fortress, at Fisherman's Island on Lake Ilinalta. I’m writing this hoping someone will create something that will replace the Instant Fortress and place a Solitude Style Vine covered tower in its place (see pictures for example).


I hope one day I can partner with a modder to design a full Dark Tower Fortress for all the people who love our assassins, but right now I’d be fine with just setting up my camp in the vine towers shell.


Optional, but not necessary:

*Stairs that lead to the tower’s roof to gain a 360 view of the lake. No loading screens just some stairs please.

*A Dark Brotherhood Banner hanging to replace the Solitude Banner.


If you have a problem placing a Solitude design so far from Solitude, I also wouldn’t mind a Tower similar to the Western Watchtower near Whiterun. Or even just a Solitude watchtower if you're so inclined.





If you’re interested my full plans for the future include (Similar to Assassin’s Lair but bigger):

Ground Level

*Companions Mead Hall and Bar

*Full Kitchen

*Plant able Garden Solarium

*Assassin escape/back door that comes out at the back of the tower.


Second Floor

*Companions Armoury and Practice Dummy’s

*Thieves Study and Storage Room

*Mage’s Library and Arcane Enchanter/ Alchemy Lab

*Assassin’s Cathedral and Nightmother/Sithis Temple

*Vampire’s Blood (Torture) Chamber and coffins


Third Floor

*Kids bedroom

*Master bedroom



*Lookout, can see all around the Tower. Large flame that can be lit and seen all around the lake.



*A Quest involving Astrids ghost, and rebuilding the Dark Brotherhood's old Dark Tower Fortress




Thanks for reading! :smile:










Edited by HailSithis5910
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