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Greybeard Robes and Hood?


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So I want to do a play through as a pure mage character but I really cant stand the horrific and uncomplete looking robes in game, only the hooded robes seem slightly good, but well, they are just not my style. Anyway, does anyone know how to get the Greybeard's robes and hood on your character? I know that if you add them via they console, they wont appear in your inventory, I read somewhere that you need a command to equip them, though I have had no luck finding the command.


In short, can anyone possibly come up with a way to get / equip these robes? or possibly create a mod to do so? Much appreciated.

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I believe there is an EquipItem command, not sure if that's only for NPCs or if it can be used on the player.


Once the Creation Kit is released, you could easily make a new Robe (Or use an existing one) and make it's model the Greybeards Robe model in about 5 minutes, about 10 max if it takes you a little while to learn the basics of the CK.


Don't you just love it when game Developers help to make modding easy, it really makes everyone happy. Except the console users, of course.

Edited by Vaktus
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I show you how you can do this for any NPC's items with pictures showing the console commands. (Hopefully you are on PC, or else you are out of luck!)


identify the items

get the items

not in inventory?

no problem!


If you just want the items, you can just type in the player.additem lines and player.equipitem lines at the end of the second and fourth pic, but I thought I would show you the method, too.


I don't think you'll be able to enchant these, unfortunately, since they're not items intended for the player and don't show up in your inventory.


Have fun with your new robes :)

Edited by Aluminumfoil
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