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Werewolf Improvements


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Here is a list of things that could improve playing as a werewolf (It's already incredible, this would just make it phenomenal).


- Unlimited Beast Mode

- Changing at will (the ability to change from Humanoid, to Beast and back. Supporting unlimited beast mode)

- Allowing players to keep their equipped items when they change back (it gets really annoying having to put everything back on)


Ill probably add more to the list as I think of them. Post your own ideas and give feedback on the the ones above.



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Already a thread about this. TL;DR - I am going to make a werewolf mod that does all that and more when creation kit is out.



Alright cool, another thing to add would be the ability to feed on anything You kill.



Hey and when You do release it would You mind sending me a PM Just giving me notice that it's out?

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