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Saddlebags for your mount


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This will be simple enough, but it will require the Construction kit first, was planing on doing this, plus carriages so that you can move large groups of companions or things without fast traveling. about 60% of it is done, but lack enough information on the new file formats and the new scripting language to complete, so if anyone runs across anything it would go a long way. I am getting impatient with BETH.
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I read someplace that the horse would carry stuff for you and I got excited. In game, kept clicking on my horse hoping the option would show but none did. :(

Why is it my companion can carry a bunch of crap for me but not my horse? +1

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  • 2 weeks later...

+1 should of been implemented, probably will be implemented in a dlc!!


Be good to be able to create bags with leather + ingredients. Perhaps a Leatherworking skill would need to be implemented to be able to create better upgrades.


There could be various bags which you could by from the horse vendor / dodgy traders but your only allowed one!




small bag 50 weight capacity 500 sep,

medium 80 weight capacity 1200 sep,

large 120 weight capacity 2600 sep,

advanced adventurer's "name" 200 capacity 5000 sep.


All sizes would be able to be upgraded with hard to find ingredients using leatherworking; perhaps for the better upgrades ingredients are only found in certain parts of Skyrim and you need to find a set amount of say 50 which could take a while?


Obviously all bags / bag upgrades would be balanced so that it isnt easier just buying the smallest bag and upgrading it to the max capacity of the adventurer sized bag.


Only an idea.

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