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Good new. Please read.


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Good news fellow couriers!


If you downloaded the Enclave Commander mod ported over by archerSC and got disappointed by all the bugs and it being outdated. DON"T WORRY


BECAUSE here comes the PROPER and FRESH version ported over by RickerHK, originally created by the owner, J3X. Yes, it's a proper version.


Right here - http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=44657#content


It's time to adapt ! Screw outdated mods. Praise RickerHK!

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You think porting mods is easy? You need to copy every value, script, NPC, everything into a new esp, and it needs to be compatible with the new game and the mods for that game. ArcherSC tried, and I respect the ammount of time and work he put into it, which you obviously don't. It's a hell of a lot of work, especially for a mod as complicated as Enclave Commander. Try to do it yourself and you'll see.
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You think porting mods is easy? You need to copy every value, script, NPC, everything into a new esp, and it needs to be compatible with the new game and the mods for that game. ArcherSC tried, and I respect the ammount of time and work he put into it, which you obviously don't. It's a hell of a lot of work, especially for a mod as complicated as Enclave Commander. Try to do it yourself and you'll see.


I think I forgot to mention this. I got very excited when I saw a proper version and I wasn't acting on my best behavior. That's why you see inappropriate wordings. But blah. It won't happen again. Oh, I didn't mention "porting mod is as easy as hell". Yup, I can assume that you assume that I said porting mod is easy as hell. Sorry =X But assuming is not much of a good psychological tool. I'm just hear to advertise the mod, with some inappropriate ways.


Please don't "psychology" me, brony,



P.S. I'm a brony too.

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No problem, I just don't like when people start insulting mods and modders while they know nothing about the work and time it took to make. And I wasn't assuming, I was asking a rhetorical question, because the choice of your words is, well, insultive. It's like you wrote "F*** you, and your mod, and your work." that you pretty much said in this post:


screw archerSC and his dumb-witted ported version.


I am a modder myself and several users said similar stuff about me and my mods, though I don't care that much. Insulting a modder and his work won't make the quality of his mods any better, so there is no need for that.


By the way, acting like this can get you banned off the site, so watch how you express your feelings, especially when those feelings are pointed toward other users.

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