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[New landmass WIP] The World's End


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looks pretty good


as people have suggested before , you should really sit on this project , and get a more polished product before you release it

my suggestion would be to perhaps make a completely new thread in the future , when more progress have been made

there , you can find people who are interested in this project , and you can find people to beta test this for you

make a private beta with a few individuals that would like to help , hone out the mod , then release the polished version you have in mind , when the time is right and the mod is working as intended


also , if you end up making a new thread for this in the future , it would be nice to hear your plans for this mod , and what it may include , aside from the landmass

best of luck :)

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Is it just you working on it, or do you have a team helping with quests, story, voice acting, etc.?


Seems like a ton of work.


Getting play testers is relately easy. I'll volunteer if you're looking for play testers now.

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Is it just you working on it, or do you have a team helping with quests, story, voice acting, etc.?


Seems like a ton of work.


Getting play testers is relately easy. I'll volunteer if you're looking for play testers now.

Currently I'm working on it alone. But that's just for getting the landscaping done. Anything involving quests, etc. is a long way down the road, and will probably require more people behind the project.

Anyway, Here are some screenshots of newly built areas of Nantucket:








Edited by boingydoo
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Finally someone listenand create new world instead of keep getting weapons mods sorry guysformy toyicity im just rly sicks to brows the nexusand every day u see onlynew weapoon when we dont have place to usethem f4 issimply too small for so many weapons.
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More screenshots:







I've started work on some custom buildings, as well as interiors for said custom buildings, such as the bank, police station and post office (with the whaling museum soon to come!)

After this first pass of the town I'll make more custom buildings, and replace the repeating buildings.

There has also been some planning done for side quests on the island, involving 2 factions meant to revive some of the more wacky side of fallout seen in previous games. (including a certain deathclaw preservation society)

I look forward to sharing more details as they come about, now that progress has started to speed up a bit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Should add some new weapons like and Anchor melee weapon (and not that Swans axe version) or maybe a raider scythe or a boat oar

New weapons are a consideration, though I'd have to get other people to help with creating them. But the plans were to have a new weapon progression on the island, including WWI weapons and vault-tec weaponry.


For now though, the map is my current focus. Which is coming along quite nicely:






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