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Running into an issue using scripting to enable a disabled actor until X stage

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So being an addict (really enjoying making small mods) I am working on making a random encounter into a recruitable follower.


The scripting in the random encounter seems to prevent so I followed the Bethesda tutorial for initially disabling a reference placed in the world and having a scripting link to enable it.





The script compiles after creating a quest alias and pointing to the NPC however when I do the specific quest it's linked to the disabled NPC never seems to enable.



Am I missing a step?

Is there a delay with the enabling?

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Maybe, still very very new to scripting.


In the original quest at one of the end phases I added the papyrus line "Alias_DogFollower.GetReference().Enable()"

In Quest Alias section I created an Alias, linked it to the NPC, allowed for Disabled and compiled the script.


Your suggestingI need to add a line "NPCPropertyname.enable()" in the NPC's script section.


And thanks for the time/help

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You've set up the alias in the quest pointing to the NPC. Good. You've set it as initially disabled. Fine.


Now to enable the NPC DURING the quest, go to the quest stage tab.


If you want the NPC to become active at stage 20, for example, click on stage 20 and then click the properties tab under papyrus fragments.


Create a new aliasref or actor property (cannot remember which) there called MyNPC. Then edit value so that the property points to the NPC you've created.


After it is added go back to the quest stage tab, highlight 20, then type in the papyrus fragment section:




Then hit compile. That should do it.

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:-( no dice.


Please let me know if I'm missing something.


Papyrus Compiler Version for Fallout 4
Copyright © ZeniMax Media. All rights reserved.
Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...
Compiling "Fragments:Quests:QF_REScene03_00030BA8"...
C:\Users\Khepri\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\Fragments\Quests\QF_REScene03_00030BA8.psc(83,0): variable MyNPC is undefined
C:\Users\Khepri\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\Fragments\Quests\QF_REScene03_00030BA8.psc(83,6): none is not a known user-defined script type
No output generated for Fragments:Quests:QF_REScene03_00030BA8, compilation failed.


Tried Unique actor reference as well...













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I really need to read the whole tutorial, but I am a Kinesthetic learner and have trouble digesting info unless I'm doing.

Thanks again, I'll link the mod and crediting you for keeping me from loosing it!

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