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Blender splits my mesh into pieces


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Ok, I make a mesh in Google Sketchup and export it in .dae file format, then I import it to blender to make the collision and UV maps, but when exporting, it splits up into a bunch of pieces. Here are some pics to explain what problem I have.


Here's one of the models I made, rendered in Sketchup:



Now, when I import it into Blender, it acts like a single mesh, but after it is exported it splits into pieces. Here's the same model in blender and nifskope, after I've done everything (exported to nif, UV mapped, textured, etc.)





As you can see, the mesh is split into 24 pieces, and I can click those individual pieces both in blender, and nifskope. It's really annoying. So my question is: Is there a way to "re-connect" the individual parts into a single mesh again?

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No, I don't use different textures, but I don't know about the materials. All I do is I add a cube as collision object and after that I press Ctrl + A and I select Scale And Rotation To OBData. And then I export it.


How to check for the materials in blender? Sorry for being an idiot but I don't know much about blender, since I do most of my work in Sketchup.

Edited by Werne
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If you intended it to be a single material, with a single UV map shared across the objects, go to Edit mode, select all the vertices (press A) then on the left corner panel, under Materials, click Assign. This should consolidate the entire mesh.
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I figured out why it splits up, it's because of sketchup, when I use some of the tools in sketchup like offset and draw tools, the part I make with those will act like as a separate piece when the mesh is imported into blender. But I still don't know how to connect them into one mesh.


@dazzerfong I cannot select them all, that's the problem. I can only select one piece at a time. Here's one of my simple models to show you what I mean.


Since it's split into 2 pieces, I can select either the upper or the lower piece, not both.




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Select them in Object Mode by holding Shift while right clicking the different parts, then use Ctrl J to combine them. You can also try to select everything more easily by tapping A till all selected is highlighted (deselect the collision though as you don't want to merge that one) and then merging them, but this can sometimes lead to some weird results. Edited by Pronam
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@Pronam It worked. Unfortunately, it works only on the models directly exported from Sketchup, not on the ones already exported to .nif, but that's not a problem. Thanks, kudos for the help.
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