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Editing quests, how do? Also, quest change suggestions?


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So I have this mod in mind that I've asked for several times, and searched everywhere for, with no luck. So, as a last resort, I guess I have to make it myself.

Problem is, I'm not very experienced with the Creation Kit. I've made a couple of mods editing the properties, enchantments, and adding a texture onto some weapons, uploading them to the Steam Workshop, but that's it, and that was a good while ago.


Basically, the mod I have in mind would add new dialogue options, persuasion / bribe / race checks, change hostility of enemies and NPCs, change quest objectives, and change the permanent state of NPCs after the conclusion of the quest. Now, I'm not expecting any voice acting to be done, but if it's possible I could use some existing lines, or maybe edit them with sound software to create new lines. Or just leave them silent, that's acceptable too. But wouldn't be nearly as immersive.


If you want a more specific explanation, here's my full plan for the quest (so far):



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No but really, I can understand that few people know much about this. The least I'll ask for is some pointers to a decent tutorial.

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Some Googling again... and in that other thread of yours, I linked TES Alliance for texturing tutorials. With a little browsing, you should have found this section: http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/forum/128-quest-design-dialogue/


And then there is the Creation Kit wiki where you will find all the pieces you need to patch the thing together: http://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Main_Page


It is not really about linking one tutorial that guides you through it, it is about linking places where you can find all the pieces needed for your project. Those places should have pretty much everything. If you run into other issues, use Google, and that specific issue might find its solution. Making mods requires a lot of learning, and chances are you will also need to do some scripting, in which case TES Alliance and the Creation Kit wiki are also relevant. Your scripts will probably mostly be quest stage and/or topic fragments that you can write within the Creation Kit.


So, to condense it, making a mod requires lots of playing around with the tools, and lots of reading, and a fair share of googling. There is so much that can be done, and the key is to find the correct pieces you need for the puzzle. All of that will take lots of trial and error, and will most likely take dozens of hours of your time. I suppose you know that, but in case someone reads this and is about to start his/her first mod, it is not a ten minute job.


Happy modding. :thumbsup:


Edit: Now that sounds silly. Apparently I cannot communicate with people. Maybe you could also find YouTube tutorials? Maybe? There are some excellent ones for scripting by Arron Dominion, for example.

Edited by Contrathetix
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  On 7/3/2016 at 3:32 PM, Contrathetix said:

Some Googling again... and in that other thread of yours, I linked TES Alliance for texturing tutorials. With a little browsing, you should have found this section: http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/forum/128-quest-design-dialogue/


And then there is the Creation Kit wiki where you will find all the pieces you need to patch the thing together: http://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Main_Page


It is not really about linking one tutorial that guides you through it, it is about linking places where you can find all the pieces needed for your project. Those places should have pretty much everything. If you run into other issues, use Google, and that specific issue might find its solution. Making mods requires a lot of learning, and chances are you will also need to do some scripting, in which case TES Alliance and the Creation Kit wiki are also relevant. Your scripts will probably mostly be quest stage and/or topic fragments that you can write within the Creation Kit.


So, to condense it, making a mod requires lots of playing around with the tools, and lots of reading, and a fair share of googling. There is so much that can be done, and the key is to find the correct pieces you need for the puzzle. All of that will take lots of trial and error, and will most likely take dozens of hours of your time. I suppose you know that, but in case someone reads this and is about to start his/her first mod, it is not a ten minute job.


Happy modding. :thumbsup:


Edit: Now that sounds silly. Apparently I cannot communicate with people. Maybe you could also find YouTube tutorials? Maybe? There are some excellent ones for scripting by Arron Dominion, for example.


Alright, thanks for the pointers... on both my topics e-e

I'll see if I can find the time/motivation to pull this off eventually. Or, if I'm lucky, find someone who can.

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No problem. If you go through the tutorials, you should get an overall understanding on how quests work. Same would work for scripting. Knowing how something works is a prerequisite for being able to tweak and/or customise it. Your list sounds extensive, so I do not think you need to pull it off all at once. For example I myself have large project for Oblivion under construction, and I make it little by little, whenever I find the time and inspiration for it. The progress surely is slow, but at least it will be finished one day.


With modding, there are no schedules and time limits. That is what makes it a nice hobby: you can spend an hour or two a day on it, and one day find out it is finished! Time passes pretty fast. And the project could be something to look forward to after a day or work or studies, to know that there is something new, fascinating and not too serious awaiting at the end of the day. :thumbsup:


Edit: Whoops. Sorry. I keep forgetting you have already made mods. This is why I should pack some sandwiches for lunch, to keep my brain working. :wallbash:


Edit 2: To make this post sort of useful, here are some links. :sweat:

Edited by Contrathetix
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  On 7/4/2016 at 12:25 PM, Contrathetix said:


No problem. If you go through the tutorials, you should get an overall understanding on how quests work. Same would work for scripting. Knowing how something works is a prerequisite for being able to tweak and/or customise it. Your list sounds extensive, so I do not think you need to pull it off all at once. For example I myself have large project for Oblivion under construction, and I make it little by little, whenever I find the time and inspiration for it. The progress surely is slow, but at least it will be finished one day.


With modding, there are no schedules and time limits. That is what makes it a nice hobby: you can spend an hour or two a day on it, and one day find out it is finished! Time passes pretty fast. And the project could be something to look forward to after a day or work or studies, to know that there is something new, fascinating and not too serious awaiting at the end of the day. :thumbsup:


Edit: Whoops. Sorry. I keep forgetting you have already made mods. This is why I should pack some sandwiches for lunch, to keep my brain working. :wallbash:


Edit 2: To make this post sort of useful, here are some links. :sweat:



Yeah, time isn't much of a problem for me. Haven't played Skyrim in 2 years actually. I'm just preparing for when I'm gonna play it again, which I plan on doing soon-ish.

This time I'll be a... nordic Argonian. Dragon scale armor sure fits Argonians well. Haven't played the Companions questline in ages either, so that's a good bonus. Gonna be duel-wielding for the first time, want to make a reskin mod of a black Orcish waraxe. Gonna be great c:

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