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Destroy the realistic camera please


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all i ask is a simple camera mod, most people who play on the pc might have noticed that no mater how sensitive you set your mouse

the camera movement from up and down is always 2 times slower compared to left and right

sure its realistic and i give the makers a big A++ for that one, its beautiful!

its amassing!

its epic!

its totally impracticable


anybody here that tried to play a full archer or mage and did NOT get anyone by the camera?

every time i fight a dragon or some opponent walks down hill its like my character feels to lazy to look up or down

or that he feels to confident do move faster only to be killed moments after :wallbash:


i would love if somebody made a camera the way it was in oblivion,

equal speed in any direction and able to move your camera quite fast if you set it very sensitive (so being a archer or mage wont have any aiming problems that drive me nuts)

i went so far that after 2 days playing i just started all over and use a sword only now course i dont see the use of a bow or spell anymore, i cant hit the dragon fast enough so why bother? just sit in a corner and when he lands i keep hitting and hes dead,

this of course took away the fun of the game so im here to ask to please make a better camera control!

i dont care who does it, just tell me if you start on it or finished it please!


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As the creators of the game they should have provided both axis as configurable through the menus. As a pc gamer though, you should just buy a mouse that you can do that yourself with. I haven't noticed anything of the sort myself. I play at 5700dpi x&y and the sensitivity in game at the lowest it can be.
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I think this might just be you, or I might not actually understand your problem, but I have not had any problems with the axis's being slower. Unless you mean when you talk to someone and you can move the camera around by dragging your cursor the sides of the screen, that I could agree on, but it's not too annoying for me (that's just me after all). I play an archer and I haven't see any problems. Check your mouse sensitivity in game and on your main computer, it might be too slow somewhere. Or it might be your .ini, something in there might be messing with it, I'm not actually sure though. Also could be your mouse, might not be synced right. Is it just Skyrim this is effecting? Like Oblivion or other games it's alright in? Edited by Sivos909
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"Oh, well, if I don't experience it than the problem must not exist!!!"

Why even comment on his request if you have nothing constructive to say? You may have a $100 mouse but not everybody does.

Actually, I've noticed it, too. It doesn't really bother me much but I think I read that you can change your mouse sensitivity settings to fix it. Sorry I can't explain how to do it.

I know I've read about it I can't remember where or exactly how to fix it.

No, it's not just you experiencing this.

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