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I will look into doing this, I could even use some vanila items to make various forms, poor people, travelers ect could simply carry a large sack on their back.

Richer people could perhaphs carry a steel plated back or something.


Im usualy all for RP and what not, and sticking to the rules, but I might release two versions, one that is realistic e.g - backpack adds 50 to carry weight, or one thats gamey - backpack adds 100-400 carry weight. ;-)


Im opent o ideas, if anyone has something they think the backpack should look like , tell me.


Of course, this is still just an idea.

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  On 1/4/2012 at 1:23 PM, PsxMeUP said:

I'd love to see that. So much can be done with this... Maybe even make it so different backpacks add different amounts to your carry weight and add wearable pouches that appear on you when you have certain items in your inventory. So if you have gems on you, a gem pouch appears around your waist. If you have ingredients you get another pouch and when you got potions you get to see a potion around your waist.


  On 1/5/2012 at 4:18 PM, AllanOcelot said:

I will look into doing this...


I'm usually all for RP and what not, and sticking to the rules, but I might release two versions, one that is realistic e.g - backpack adds 50 to carry weight, or one that's gamer - backpack adds 100-400 carry weight. ;-)


I'm open to ideas, if anyone has something they think the backpack should look like , tell me.

Of course, this is still just an idea


I'd say the Gamer version should either have no carry weight or be a visual tweak only and not have the associated item most folks are already eternally encumbered so adding weight to them would detract some of those that want the looks but not the realism.


I like the idea of different bags (I'd say waist bags tied on with string - modified coin purse model maybe) and backpacks depending on items in inventory.


One way it could be implemented is to get the mod to read inventory of player and if contains certain items certain bags appear just as a visual thing. I suppose this could be spread to NPCs too, though maybe harder.

Edited by georgiel
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Works for me. And like I sad, there's vanilla models in the game already, they'd be a good place to start. And less serious ones can also be bunny shaped, or bear shaped, or maybe dragons. Sure, they're burning everything to the ground, but they're still COOL.
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Absolutely love this idea. F:NV had a similar mod where they used the backpack & satchel models already in-game, so (like previously stated) shouldn't be too hard to do, if you have the know-how.


Wish I knew how to mod ._.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yea I have an addition actually.


Since I am a firm believer in things being bigger on the inside, such that I believe black holes are entire universes on the inside of their singularities. I don't care about the mechanical specs too much.. but if you could make it so that you drop the bags when you ready your weapon, that would be swell.

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  On 1/20/2012 at 4:01 PM, georgiel said:

why drop bags? what?

Good question. I wouldn't, but on the other hand, I can see possible ideas for maybe wanting to do so:


Suppose you wanted to plant a cache of useful items here and there, picking them up as you pulled an enemy down a path. I've seen movies that did that kind of thing, and the cool value is worth exploring.


You might also want to hide excess treasure and come back for it once you've unloaded at the merchants'... I expect something like that would appeal to people who don't use fast-travel, but can't move fast enough to retrieve dropped items or stuff in non-owned containers.


And, suppose you're playing a psycho and want to plant bombs for bandits, etc. to find. THEY have no trouble with trapping their chests, why shouldn't we? *evil grin*

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