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Bats, bats and more bats.


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So I am having the strangest thing occur ever since I returned to Skyrim. Whenever I attack with a melee weapon, 1h or 2h bats erupt around all enemies within several feet from me. I deleted all my scripts and yet it still happens. I uninstalled Better vampire thinking that was the cause but to no avail. If I turn myself into a vampire and cure the disease the bats will vanish until I load my game. Even if I save it after using the cure disease potion. If anyone has any idea what could be impacting this I'd appreciate it.

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  • 8 months later...

I am also having this problem. It was gone after I started a new game but I lost my character presets and so I loaded an old game to retrieve the character but the problem with bats upon making contact with someone with swords has returned. Anyone have any ideas how to fix? I am trying to find wich mod may have that effect in it but that was months ago that I first had the prob and I have no idea what mod it might be now. Checking mods with stationary wings and succubus mods first, I never went for vampire stuff....

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