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Robots witch integrated workbenches


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I'm not sure if this isn't just too silly of an idea, but here it goes:


Remember F:NV, where E-DE could cook food for you? (I think he could do even more, but I forgot) Now, what I suggest are special robot modifications which would allow you crafting on the go. Cooking is the simplest one, maybe make sentries actually have it for free, with their overheating problems :D

Other crafting mods would then reduce the robot's carry weight, maybe also armor and movement speed. Even better if the robot's inventory could be used for the crafting. Of course, a robot could have only one integrated bench.


I think the greatest problem would be to actually access the crafting option, with the dialogue having only 4 options and all. Maybe something similar to the "E) talk, R) hack" thing could be done?



edit: damn. could a kind mod fix the typo in the title? Of course I meant "Robots with integrated workbenches"

Edited by pra
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