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Disabling crafting animations?


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Hello everyone :)


As per title, is it possible to disable the crafting 'animations'/camera modes? In all sectors of crafting: smithing, tanning, cooking, etc.


Have so far managed to disable the mining and wood-chopping ones, but far as the rest go.. can't even find what scripts i'm meant to be looking at. Assuming it's possible, any pointers would be appreciated?

(disclaimer: newbie level, if kind enough to reply, be precise please)


Thanks for reading!

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The animations are linked to the furniture you're using to do the crafting not scripts for the various crafting stations.


Here's one option:


1. Create a new cell and put one of each type of crafting station in it (you don't need two alchemy stations, multiple cooking pots, etc.)

2. Create a perk for the player.

3. Use the Entry Point for object activation and add conditions to trigger if the player activates one of the crafting station types. (I would filter on Keywords.)

4. Check the run immediately and replace default options and attach a script. The script should have properties for each of the crafting stations in your holding cell.

5. The Perk fragment script needs to compare the target the player activated (I would use keywords again) and then activate the matching station in the holding cell.

6. Edit the perk script directly and you can use "Game.GetPlayer().AddPerk(self)" in an OnInit section to give itself to the player.


The trick here is that if the player activates a crafting station in another cell (via script) the animations can't play. The Perk intercepts the player's attempt to activate the station in the same cell, finds a matching one in the holding cell and activates it instead. You'll need to look at each of the crafting stations to see which keywords represent the various actions (cooking, alchemy, enchanting, forging, smelting, tempering weapons, and tempering armor). And Skyforge and the forge in the Dawnguard fort are special.

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