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The Waters of Oblivion book glitch


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I came across a cave, I believe it is called Forbidden Cave or Forsaken Cave (can't recall), so I entered and went all the way through it collecting everything. One item was book call The Waters of Oblivion. Later I came across a quest requiring I get that book. I already had it in my inventory, but I can't turn it in to complete the quest. So I went back to the cave to see if it's there still and I can get it again, but it's gone. I can't drop it cuz it's a quest item either. So I have an open quest I can't complete, and a quest item for it that's stuck in my inventory doing me no good. I'm too far now to just load an earlier save. Is there anything I can do??? Find it elsewhere so it recognizes me picking it up while the quest is active?? Is there a console workaround for this??? Can I use a cheat or whatever to remove it from my inventory and try to get it again??
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Hi, im also stuck with this, was you able to find out the ID for the quest? If need be I could list my current quest IDs to see if any are a match to yours?


In my search I found that by following the description as shown in the link http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/615804-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/61025805 and using the example for the stage mgr20 solved the problem for me. Hope it helps everyone else! :)

Edited by sketcher15
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  • 2 weeks later...

Dont use the 'additem/removeitem' code because you'll just get an error. Use the dropitem code and drop it on the ground and then pick it up again. Same happened to me, this works with ANY quest that is glitched because you picked up the item before the quest starts.


"player.dropitem 0001AD17 1"


Would be the code you'd want to use for Waters of Oblivion. (no quotation marks)


Here's a wiki list of all the items listed so far if theres another quest item you need to drop/pickup again. http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Console_Item_Codes_(Skyrim)

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