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Looking for books in raw text


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Anyone been able to extract the raw text of all the books? I have tried loading up the Skyrim data with multiple tools, and I admit, I'm a bit of a newb at mods, but I'd like to format all the books into a nicely formatted ebook so I can read lore when I can't play. This isn't a mod request, just trying to start a dialogue to see the best way to get the text of in game books. Thanks!
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The books aren't inside Skyrim.esm anymore, they have exported them into an extern file called Skyrim_English.DLSTRINGS inside "Skyrim - Interface.bsa". You can open it with a simple file editor, I used Notepad++ and it is halfway readable, just skip the first 300 lines they seem to be some definitions, headers etc.


Don't know if the books are in any specific order or random and there are the filenames, linebreaks etc. in the text but I think it is readable enough.

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