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Lingerie Armor (Corsets, Garters, Stockings, etc)


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I think this would be a worthwhile project. I would like to learn to design these myself. If anyone has experience in designing these textures please contact me. I am a noob in this field but have experience with Adobe 5 products.

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Anyone who would be willing to take to help or to design these textures please post here.

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I doubt most, like myself, have the privilege or the time to teach a scrub from scratch to be able to do something as complex as "lingerie" (which has some opacity to it and is generally frilly and sleekly-designed).


What I can say is that the quick and dirty way to creating your textures is:


Acquire photoshop (or some equivalent program) and google what's known as the "clone tool".


To start you off, I suggest you learn using some jean texture. That's very easy to understand and figure out. Google an image of a pair of jeans and clone tool the real life picture of that texture onto the texture map. See how it looks in game, then apply filters and techniques suggested by other modders to improve.


Once you're able to skin a pair of jeans (using the existing skin/mesh/model of an appropriate pair of leather/cloth pants to start off with), you'll want to approach using the same quick and dirty scheme. Google images of lingerie from online lingerie stores (have fun with that) and use the clone tool to create life-like skins. Show the community your progress and get feedback from veterans.


I can tell you that this approach won't be easy, you'll have to do a lot of googling (especially if you're new to art programs in general) and youtubing for tutorials; the skins you create will also probably be too life-like to meet Skyrim's current texture "standards" (which are a little stylized), but you'll probably be appreciated for what you can do even in this case.


I hope this helps, I know it's not much, but instead of asking help on a forum, you should first begin by googling tutorials and trying to learn things yourself. It's rare for someone to go out of their way to teach you what you need to know. You need to show some commitment and maybe a little talent, at the very least.


If you're interested in learning how to get very proficient, I know that some community/art colleges will teach open classes to students younger than 18 over the summer for a relatively small fee. Though to be fair you can learn everything you'll ever want to online by reading and watching.


Finally, while I'm no expert on the matter, I presume that lingerie would likely require a new mesh/model as there is no existing clothing that could be used to properly emulate lingerie. There may be a way to use an existing mesh that's fitting, but it probably won't look as good. Creating a mesh is much more difficult than creating a skin.

Edited by fourtylashes
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