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Own a castle/fort


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I have a good idea for a mod I would like to share with you.


As you all know, there is a lot of destroyed and ruined castles in skyrim. They are mostly vacant and infested by bandits.


Now imagine a mod, that would let you buy the property of these castles from a jarl and than have this castle rebuild. Paying for improvements. Than you can get your own guards patroling this area and name them as you like, get hunters to hunt game, and tranders to set up shop. You can get a small market and a bedchamber, forge, your own army. The base property would cost for example 7000g, with each upgrade lets say 5000g.


This would enable you to get yourself a proper residence that fits the rank of dragonborn hero!


You would start with just the ruin which you would own. First the bandits would still be there, so you would have to clear them. Once the ruin is cleared you can start buying upgrades.

Some upgrade examples:

  • Rebuild the walls
  • Add forge -enables you to buy repair enhance weapons
  • Add market - sell and buy supplies items
  • Add guardhouse - get your own guards to patrol the area
  • Add housing - get NPC's to roam your castle
  • Build a bigger main tower
  • Add stable

I have zero experience with modding, but I suppose making all that is not all that hard. Setting up roaming patterns for guards, and spawning NPC, and placing buildings shouldn't be to hard.


If there is a modder interested in doing this, and has enough experience, I would be super happy!


If you have any more ideas to add, please do.

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And be able to have attacks on the castle!!! Why recruit guards if there is no one to fight. Just like the in-game invasions you have to defend from. And if the invaders win, your castle is destroyed and you have to rebuild it all over again. That + your idea would make an EPIC... no, GODLY EPIC mod! Amirite?
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Perhaps add a war fuction, allowing you to raid the castles of other "Lords", once you capture the Keep you could hire a Steward. The steward then gives you the quest needed to rebuild the keep and add stuff. Once you've got a few guards you can tell him taht you wish to attack another lord. You and your soldiers are teleported outside some other keep and charge in. ;)
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Perhaps add a war fuction, allowing you to raid the castles of other "Lords", once you capture the Keep you could hire a Steward. The steward then gives you the quest needed to rebuild the keep and add stuff. Once you've got a few guards you can tell him taht you wish to attack another lord. You and your soldiers are teleported outside some other keep and charge in.


curses i was just about to say that

Edited by downloadablepic
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