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Having trouble adding compile function to notepad++

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Hello all hope your day is going well. Just had a bit of a troubleshooting question.. so i have been trying to do this tutorial on papyrus http://www.cipscis.com/skyrim/tutorials/beginners.aspx but im having a bit of trouble setting up the compile function in the program. i went to the CK wiki




but i am having trouble with the pathway for the scripter i think? Under step 3 where it tells you the line to input into the dialogue window of course my line is different from that one because i am using FO$ not skyrim so what i put in was this...


"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Papyrus Compiler\ScriptCompile.bat"


for the next part ( the "$(FILE_NAME)" "$(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)") what the hell do i put for the pathway? i am willing to post screenshots and obviously try to explain more if im not coming across clearly.. i tried using this for the full line ...


"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Papyrus Compiler\ScriptCompile.bat" "$(C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4/Papyrus Compiler)" "(CURRENT DIRECTORY)"

Alas, when i executed the run command i get this error


C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++>"C:\Projects\Fallout4\Build\PC\Papyrus compiler\PapyrusCompiler.exe" "$(C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4/Papyrus Compiler)" -f="Institute_Papyrus_Flags.flg" -i="C:\Projects\Fallout4\Build\Source\Scripts" -o="C:\Projects\Fallout4\Build\PC\Data\Scripts"

The system cannot find the path specified.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++>pause
Press any key to continue . .
Any help would be appreciated! im sure it is something i am doing wrong and not an actual issue so feel free to heckle me :smile:
Ok so i still havent figured this out and would really like to figure out how to use the script compiler so i can add my script. Would anyone be able to walk me through adding the compile function on notepad++, or how to use the papyrus compiler that bethesda gives you? Any help is much appreciated!!
Edited by Amarch89
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Have you checked the Fallout 4 version: http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Notepad%2B%2B_Setup


Also, you seem to have mixed "slashes" in those paths, like a\b/c in there, maybe you double-check them. If all else fails, there is Sublime Text 3 and the Papyrus package for it. :thumbsup:


Edit: I have not used the Notepad++ one, so I cannot help with that specifically. Sorry.

Edited by Contrathetix
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Ok so i figured out what the issue was kind of.. the scriptcompile.bat pathways were pointing to folders that dont exist on my computer so i had to re path the script compile but i have a feeling that i did it a bit wrong. i was able to get the compile to run and convert my .psc file to a .pex file, but thats about where my luck ran out. Now i am having an issue with the CK recognizing my script. When i go to load my master filesin CK i get a warning message saying that my script file has no base file, and it doesnt show up in the scripts tab anywhere. does anyone have any idea what that issue would be ?

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ok so i finally said eff it and got sublime text 3 and the plugin like you suggested and it worked great i even was even able to compile it and find it in the CK. i did the simple Hello world tutorial and for some reason i get no message when i load a game. any ideas where i messesd up this time? lol

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No idea, I have never done the hello world tutorial, I read a lot of theory on the thing, watched hours and hours of tutorials, and then jumped straight into more interesting stuff. That was with Skyrim, but Papyrus seems to be pretty much the same in both Skyrim and Fallout 4, so maybe the tutorials are still mostly relevant, from the basic parts at least. Arron Dominion has some fine YouTube videos for Skyrim, but the basic stuff might be handy. Or not. Depends. If you know stuff like Python or C, you probably do not need the basic tutorials. One thing to remember is that the scripts are run in their own "virtual machine" inside the game, and need Properties to show info to the outside world (mainly editor), and/or functions for variable access. "Full Properties" were a thing in Skyrim with setters and getters, too, but I have not yet checked if they are also in Fallout 4.


Found one tutorial in the wiki ( http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Bethesda_Tutorial_Papyrus_Hello_World ) and if you followed it to the letter, it should work. Did you enable the plugin (.esp file)? Have you tried making the quest "start game enabled" or such?

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  • 1 year later...
It took me several months and several thousand lines of released script using the internal (no search !) editor before I figured out a how to get notepad++ intergrated for my setup. Its.Just.Pain ...
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So why don't you post how you did it, or just edit the guide posted on the Creation Kit official page? This site is free for editing by anyone with an account. It is completely community driven. That's too hard huh?


I and other people looking to do this are not stupid. We just need PROPER INSTRUCTIONS. I realize i'm asking too much, sorry guys. And sorry if the caps scared you too.. So sorry..

Edited by CobraL0rd
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