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Dismember your foe


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Well i think biting will look bad in this kind of game


Skilled modders, assemble! EvilPhoenix challenges you to make biting look good in Skyrim! lol.


Well if not biting, I can see yanking with claws or just clawing the limb off. It would be crazy if you could see the deep gashes in an enemy after you ravage them as a werewolf though I think. Crazy as in it should happen haha

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Ninjaman, that's exactly how I'd imagine it. If I can one-shot an enemy, the outcome of my attack needs to be catastrophic for that poor victim.



@Abbott, I know I'm focusing on dismemberment, but honestly I was playing the other day and I kind of wished that if I killed an enemy using fire that the corpse would kind of be singed and smoking a bit or something to show the person/thing just got fried. Would be a lot more immersive. Not sure if I should make a thread to compile my ideas and other ppls ideas about "minor details" that we believe should have been in Skyrim from the get-go. I seriously agree with you, wish more of these things were in the game already with options to turn it off or on. Would show diligence and completeness on Beth's part...oh Beth lol.


I hope the dev kit comes out soon. All these ideas make me want to try modding out...

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Kairo29, sounds good I get what you mean :D in terms of the aftermaths of spells one should be able to take the files from the Dead Reflex Mod for Oblivion which already has burnt corpses and all that and retex them in high-res. This would be a step forward to the final project. Edited by abottwhite
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okay cool so its not bordering on the impossible. That's great news :) I never got to play Oblivion on the PC back in the day. Played it on xbox lol ugh. I hear great stories about mod experiences though. Can't wait to see what is produced for Skyrim. Makes replay value super high. They need to release that kit already!
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Yes you can cripple enemies. They crawl on the floor for some time when crippled. In terms of the idea of a dismemberment mod I`ll chip in with a




but it should be well balanced then and only heavy strikes with sharp weapons like blades or axes could chop off limbs. The textures are already

there when decap an enemy. Maybe the modders could implement an animation of some sort of head-crushing when you hit an opponent with a

hammer to the head, too-


I`m no gore-fanatic just think that it would fit to the already awesome and raw tone of the game and also enjoyed Deadly Reflex Mod in Oblivion.


Can someone at least improve the decapitation ? Does anyone notice that if you do land a Decap... on a foe that wearing a full helmet... his/her helmet stays?

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Yes you`re right the helmet stays on the head which I think can/will be modded, too. As you may know Bethesda recently released a patch which crippled compatibility with some mods especially enhancement of graphics. So far it seems that they try to prevent the game from being modified instead of support these concepts. As for the dev-kit let`s hope it won`t have such limitations to customization. Edited by abottwhite
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