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Skyrim Overhaul


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What is missing is the ability to purchase improved weapons and armor. A character that chooses to focus on something other than smithing ends up being unable to achieve combat effectiveness in later levels. Also, unless focusing on illusion in addition to sneaking, one cannot maintain stealth except with judicious use of weapons and patience. My first character was stealth based and it took twice as long to achieve level 40 as my second (heavy armor, shield block, combat based) character.


I have had a lot more fun with the combat oriented character, even though I didn't want it to turn out that way. Until at level 50 the combat oriented character just stands and gives ancient dragons the finger, waiting for them to land so I can two-shot them.


The progression and play balance is strange. But is this not to be expected given that it is an action/rpg and pc/console hybrid? Some things were bound to be over-compromised.


Rather than picking perks, they should just happen as the corresponding skill level is reached.


And I rarely use the favorites or menu system while fighting. Breaks immersion. I lose the sense of immediacy of the situation. I don't know that access to the items and spell menus ought to be locked out while in combat, but I have a lot more fun limiting my character to the 1~8 keys during tense moments.


Maybe a mod that required time to drink potions, but made them more powerful.

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