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What spell is in what hand.


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I would like to see a MOD that builds on the QUICK LIST system already in the game, but tailored for a QUICK SPELL LIST.




1) Ability to bind 2 spells to one quick key. |Press 1 - Flame Lh / Spark Rh -


2) The option to toggle Spell Names ( or some icon ) that reflects what spells are in each hand at the moment.


3) COLOR the spell types for each school. DESTRUCTION / RESTORATION / ILLUSION ( you get the point )

- This would make it much faster when looking for spell types - On a side note, having the option to filter your QUICK SPELL list by spell type rather then alpha would be nice as well.


4) QUICK SWAP for element type. If you have all fire spells equipped, the mod would let you choose to equip the equivalent spell for another element. (Spark /for Flame)

- This is good for the times when a npc you are fighting has a Hi-Resist to your element type. -


If anybody has any insight into some starter guides for MODing I would be willing to take a stab at learning and doing this myself. :thumbsup:

Edited by darkjedi73200
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