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In-game time passes normally


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There needs to be a mod where in-game time passes at a normal rate.


For example, it takes 24 actual hours for one in-game day to pass, and the night/day cycles coincide with that as well.


An optional feature in this hypothetical mod is that in-game time should be adjusted to your computer's clock and your country/location/the time zone that you are in to accurately reflect the actual time of day with the game's time of day.


Sleeping and fast travel does not have any effect on in-game time.

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Anything slower than a 1:12 or so timescale outright breaks the game due to how certain scripts/quests work. Implementing a 1:1 timescale would require so much work in terms of rewriting scripts, tweaking quests and God knows what else I'm forgetting that it simply isn't feasible. Not to mention that it'd make the space compression of the in-game world even more glaringly obvious than it already is even at the vanilla timescale.

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