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Should I bother with BSSITSSegment in NIF files? (custom armor modder)

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I'm in the process of making custom armour and have experience with Skyrim, and I noticed that dismemberment weights are different in fallout 4. If I am not mistaken, they are now called BSSITSSegment. The problem is that they seem to control what part of the armor is selected in VATS but none of that weight info is imported in 3DSMax as a fo4 nif file. I could try and reproduce those weights by hand, but they also have subsegments, which I'm not sure how to deal with.

Should I disregard these dismemberment weights, even though the potential problem is that there is only one selectable part in VATS if I do nothing? Or am I wrong about the VATS thing?


Edited by sepharis
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