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Nightingale no cloak...


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Well, after browsing here and there I've noticed some people have been able to take stuff like the fur mesh from some outfits and plant them on other armors. In that regards, how about taking the one scarf mesh from the wizard's robes and applying that to the Nightingale armor to replace the cloak?
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Just a Ninja mask thing, right?


nah, ideally keeping the hood (as its spereate), keep the shoulders and part of the cape, just remove it from covering the entire back, as it doesnt move and just looks out of place and covers up some very cool looking armour, but removing the whole thng probably ouldnt look right with the hood / mask on, so just making it take up less of the back would be great i think.

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Actually, it looks pretty good without the cape...I've seen it for myself.


Speaking of how I've seen it minus the cape, a kind soul made an update to the 3ds max Nifskope plugins, so now you can import Skyrim meshes into 3ds max. This means that now this request can actually be filled, provided someone who knows how to skin the thing to the default Skyrim skeleton sees this.


I could definitely edit out the cape or make it shorter but I lack the know-how on rigging to re-skin it, otherwise I'd do it myself.

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I'm still voting for the whole to-the-side torn-up scarf redesign for the cloak. Manages to keep it looking kinda rogue'ish without getting in anyone's way.


I could do that easily, now that I can work with it in 3ds max. I figure taking the scarf part from the Black/Blue Mage Robes and adding it to the Nightingale armor then giving the scarf a custom texture would do the trick, I just need someone who can skin it back onto the skeleton when I'm done.


If someone else reading this knows how to skin armor for the Fallout/Elder Scrolls games and wants to have a crack at this, I can do the modeling/texture part. Let me know.

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Awesome. I'm lookin' forward to it! In terms of the tattered ends of the scarf, perhaps somethin' like this? Basically all ripped up and stuff.


Only problem's gonna be to get someone who knows how to skin. I've been messing with the armor and scarf and that part is as easy as I expected.


But I can't skin myself (I suck at it), so hopefully someone will come along.

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aha fantastic thats one step closer to it looking as awesome as it should do :P, any chance in the mean tie youd be willing to upload the version without a cloak? the idea of a scarf though i think will be the ultimate look to go with (plus my characters not a skinny rogue - hell he looks like he should be in full plate lol so a scarf could distract from his unsightly bulges lol





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