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How to export armor into fallout 4?

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So here's the thing I have been trying to modify vanilla armor (using 3ds max). Now the problem is there are tutorials but they don't explain how to do one thing and that is, in skyrim you would get the armor, and the basics would go like, your would add a skinwrap modifier a dismember skin modifier you export (which I know how to do in fallout 4) but my problem is no one seems to say what modifiers you need to apply before exporting.

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Thanks for the reply, do you mean collapse the modifier stack? Because I know how to do that, that will be easy, but what about zero everything out? May I ask what that is? And do I have to apply Xform to the armor? I know a bit about 3ds max so I know that Xform is a modifier, and if you can (I don't mind if you don't) can you explain steps to do it? or can you point me into a direction? I'm sorry if these are alot of questions I just want to know what to do and in what order. But thanks anyways.

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What ecaxtly is your problem? did you try just adding a skin wrap/skin modifier and then the bssubindex? because thats what i do and it seems to work really well

Wait so that's how you do it you add the skin wrap than you click add then weight all points, convert to skin, than you add a bssubindex? Because if so than I have been doing it wrong, I didn't know that it works that way.

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