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Vampires Aren't Hated


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Just a couple mods that are hopefully quite simple.


Vampires are not hated. It's VERY annoying how every single person attacks you when you are a stage four vampire.

Vampires regenerate in the sunlight. This is also annoying, Vampires are pretty much useless in the sun because they don't regenerate health, magic, and stamina.

I would love it if somebody could do this as soon as possible... it would make the game much more enjoyable.

I'm begging anyone who knows how to... please!!


Another one that doesn't really matter, it would be nice to also be able to become a werewolf. But it's not really as urgent as the other two. :)

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I can understand the first one being that if you feed regularly most if not all shouldn't even know your a vampire so they shouldn't hate you.


But for the second idea.....your a vampire so no go, this isn't twilight, you shouldn't sparkle in the sun I mean if anything you should burst into flames.

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I would rather be able to stay stage four if I wish it. Which I do.

For the second one you have a handicap since your health, magic, and stamina is decreased in the sun. But that isn't even relevant, this is my request not yours.


Once again, if anybody capable sees this it would make me very, VERY happy if this could be done.

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So basically you want to remove all the disadvantages of being a vampire so you can play as an überstrong character without having to live with the downsides?


well its your choice, but you could just use cheats instead (yeah, i dont understand why people use cheat mods either)

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Wow you people.

First of all there is another HUGE disadvantage to being a vampire, and that is the 100% weakness to fire. Which really sucks when you think about the fact that the game is based on fighting FIRE BREATHING DRAGONS.


There are a few advantages such as seeing better in the dark briefly (wooo!), summoning a minion once a day (I already have the spell anyway), and drain (more like drain your magic). As well as a SLIGHT increase to sneak and the power to become invisible briefly (but not really, people can still see you easily).

When everybody you meet is attacking you the game isn't fun at all. And the fact that you literally can't fight ANYTHING during the day time doesn't help.

Also I play on "Master" and it's f***ing difficult as it is.


If you can't help me then please just don't say anything. This is what I want and we all know it's going to be made eventually anyway. I'm just hoping it's not too difficult to do now.

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Yeah, and I want the Altmer modded so that they start with a high blade skill too, because they're great for magic but I get pwned in CQC. They also need to be immune to disease, because otherwise I'll get a disease. Make it please please please please? Edited by Rennn
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