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Could use some help on the topic of leveled lists

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So, I'm mucking around in the CK and I know that I want to change some leveled lists. The problem is, I see a bunch of files prefixed with different letter combos.


I think I understand what they are, but could use some clarification in order to make things a bit easier to under stand.


So there is LL, LLI, LLD, LLG, LLE, LLC, etc. Like LL_Something, or LLI_Something.


Could someone give me the quick run down of what each of these prefixes means?


I'm mostly trying to edit the load-outs that people spawn in with.

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LL - Leveled List - generic category

LLI - Leveled inventory

LLD - Death items

LLM - misc mods for weapons/armor

LLW - Weapons

LLC - containers, I think?


et cetera...not sure about some of the rest.


I think the naming system is just for easy identification - they all function pretty much the same way (dependent on flags, counts, chance and so on). For NPC spawn load outs, LLI is the default.

Edited by mm137
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Thank you. That is more or less what I was thinking they were, except the death items. Had no clue.


It was just a little over whelming when I type in raider and find three or four raider weapon lists with tons of lists inside the lists.


I have a decent grasp on it now, I just need to mess with some settings to fully understand what i am manipulating.

Edited by jushtan
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