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Some Color changes


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Hopefully this is a simple mod request, Just appearance alterations that would really make my replay through very.. Personalised.


I'd like some recolors done on some armor and Argonian Complexion


I was wondering if it was at all possible at this stage to get Red Argonian 'Complexion' to perhaps replace that brown a nice Deep red, similar to that red I think its 3-5th option or so in the 'War paints' and most the facial scale stuff.


I'd also like two possibilities with armor.


Linwe's armor is bassically theifs guild armor without the sleeves, all I'd like done to that is it turned black same black as the guildmasters armor.


Otherwise well, City Guard/Stormcloak Armor with a Dark Red tunic would be nice, replacing the Brown in Solitudes City gaurd if its needed, Kinda works with the Imperials there I suppose.


I would prefer both armor-sets however I'd be content with one, whatever's easiest.


I figure since most people are just playing around with Textures and color changes the armor adleast should be possible. hopefully the Argonian stuff too, would really make my day, Feel free to PM me or reply here if you need any details or want to talk about possible alternatives should the above be not-so-simple. I can be reached on an instant Messenger but I'd prefer to only share that Information in a PM.


Of course anything made can be shared with the community, but then I kind of expect that to be a given. Never really made much of a Request before.


Edit: An Added note, if this stuff is -really- simple to do I'd be willing to learn if anyone has the time.

Edited by Vearos
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A thought Occured but perhaps going a bit to far or complicated, perhaps Linwi's outfit and the city-guard outfit mixed.. either the Citygaurd with red tunic, but with the black pauldron, belt and straps and so fourth over the top.. or perhaps the black Linwi's outfit with the red tunic just added in.


See I like the whole Vest look on an Argonian the belt and pauldrons are a nice practical look in black it looks nice, without being to bulky, and the Tunics on the City gaurds and stormcloaks look really nice, only.. I like well, dark red. not brown. black under the tunic, with the black pauldrons and so fourth along with my Deadric Gauntlet and boots, Combined with a Red complexion Argonian -should- hopefully balance out the Red and Black to not look too much of one or the other. well, in my opinion anyways.

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I've been digging around with some advice and links from some helpfull sorts in the community I've adleast manage to find what I -think- are the files using the Fallout Mod Manager thing..


under textures\armor\








These are what I found that I -think- one is the Linwi's armor torso.. should be the only Grey one.. as Linwi is a Variation of Theifs guild clothing..





Well.. as it says Solitude Guard armor or 'stormcloak' armor.





I'm using Gimp, and trying to use a Gimp plug-in to read these files to edit, however I've been having a lot of issues' getting the plug-in to actually work, the recoloring should be fine enough, though I'm not sure if the Argonian complexion coloring will work, I was unable to find the texture files for the individual skin complexions, which is a Shame, the Red Argonian part was the part I was really hoping for, still there may be hope. I'm still somewhat unsure on how to go about doing the whole 'putting the new files' in the game, and I have a tendancy to muck around a little bit with files and in general make a bit of a mess, some help would be greatly appretiated, I'd prefer to just.. have the files and be on my way but I won't shy away from advice to push me to trying once more to get that plug-in to work.


Heads begining to hurt, I admit when it comes to the technical stuff I'm pretty... 'slow'

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