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Older armor models with newer ores.


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So i'm not sure if anyone has noticed, but when you first start smithing armor you can choose between several different variations of iron armor. Some without shoulders, some with, banded iron armor etc. But as time goes on, those customizable bits disappear sadly. So I had this though. What if we could craft older armor appearances with newer ore? Why shouldn't we be able to infact? As a smith, you should be able to craft armor into any shape you like, mostly particularly when you have already learnt to craft that armor with other ore.


So here's my suggestion. Someone could make a mod that adds more options to the smithing menu, such as the iron armor model craftable with ebony ore. The way to do this, in theory, would be to import the models, and simply change the colour of the texture to suit the new ore colour, as well as increase the armors base armor score so its on scale with that particular ore type. This could be done with all armor parts, particularly the helmets, which in my humble opinion, look better with steel and iron models then later stronger armors. As you go up in smithing ability, you are able to craft all those old appearances. Iron Banded Armor made from Ebony Ore for example, or Fur armor made with Scales instead of Fur.


Of course the problem is the armor that relies on textures appearances rather then colour, such as Scales. In this case, you may have to be creative and come up with the excuse that fur armor is just fur armor with scales instead of the leather. Fur still coast the ridges, but its just fur.


Anyway, thats my suggestion.

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