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Steal it from STALKER


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Was working on that Active Wasteland Over Loaded idea I had, when out of the blue I decide to fire up STALKER Call of Pripyat and see if I could draw inspiration from it - and I did, but not the kind I was actively seeking.



Anyone else play that game? And remember how you equipped and used your weapons? For those that didn't play it or don't remember, your hotkeys functioned as your draw and holster. Your main gun was "1" I believe, so when you tapped 1 you drew your main arm, could fire as you pleased, and when you were done you tapped 1 again and it holstered. This was cool, because you could have two or three weapons on at any given time, and tap each respective hotkey and draw the one you needed.


It probably wouldn't make that big of a difference, but I think it'd be cool if a modder made it where instead of unequipping that weapon when you tapped the hotkey, it'd sheathe instead. And when you tapped another hotkey with a weapon in it, instead of just switching over, it'd switch over and draw it as well. If it was a clothing/aid item hotkeyed, it'd act like vanilla.


It just felt way more fluid than Fallout's system - STALKER was good like that. I think had STALKER had what made FO3/FNV great (the open world and the ability to collect spoons if that's what you want), STALKER would have made a far bigger impression on the FPS/RPG/FPRPG markets.



Something else that was just too damn good - the emissions. Not really weather so much, but not quite normal either, and was just so damned impressive when it happened. If you're out there, and you ignore the radio warnings, woe upon thee - face the beautiful wrath of nuclear weather! I'm not saying that's good mod material, just recounting how cool it was. xD


I also miss STALKER's inventory, the grid and all that. It'd be much better than Bethesda's list of infinite stupid, and chests of stupidly infinite capacity. Not telling you what you can carry, but making you fit it in your backpack grid? Genius. Inventory management in STALKER felt more realistic and plausible than Fallout's, even though I know there's no way in Zombie-ridden hell that it could be implemented.




But I think the first idea, the hotkeys holstering thing, would be a glorious mod and I'd be all over it like a STALKER over artifacts if it was made. (I also notice how I'm making an interesting amount of threads lately. Sorry if that's not necessarily cool.)

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I would hope so, given that I've seen NVSE do some pretty incredible things. *looks at the Motorcycle mod*


No such thing as ideal, but I'd not even be adverse to having the hotkeys cut in half and have them restricted to weapons only so as to get more of that STALKER feel, which I think FNV could benefit from, really.

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That wasn't entirely my point, but if someone did it, it'd be cool. For one thing, Pripyat is Russia, and we're in America, so I'd rather see a Pripyat-esque city to dig through, not Pripyat itself. I might tinker with that idea but for now I'm working on AWOL, though I'm much better with worldbuilding and navmeshing and stuff.


My focus is the weapons thing, though. Because it's just more utilitarian than vanilla NV's.

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Well,what about Clooney Island?



Louisiana? It's probably entirely under water.





Digging through the weather mods available - Nevada Skies adds a Radstorm thing that looks pretty brutal when it's ongoing - very reminiscent of STALKER. If y'er wanting Emissions, then this looks like it's as close as it gets. It also apparently adds rain and stuff, which is very needed so if you haven't yet got it it seems like the thing to do. Getting it myself now.


This mod gives Vodka a marginal rad reduction effect, which apparently happens in both real life and STALKER games, and it just seems like one of those nifty things you could McGuyver for yourself in a desperate situation ingame. I'm getting it, anyways.


Nothing like the weapon holstering system, though, so hopefully someone will light that torch one day.

Edited by Ashven
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