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Help Needed, "Lovers Embrace" for custom romanceable companion?

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EDIT: I redid whole companion quest by copying Piper's quest and I got this working, why I couldn't jump straight into romance after single dialogue choice stays unknown. Probably something to do with affinity scenes which I skipped and companion script.



How to enable "Lovers Embrace" for custom romanceable companions?


I get companion infatuation perk and message about "Lovers Embrace" after "romance success" scene, but when I sleep next to companion I only get "Well Rested" bonus.


I end romance scene with AffinitySceneHandlerScript and it seems to work right.

(xxx.GetActorRef() as CompanionActorScript).RomanceSuccess()

What am I missing here?


Edit: I made quest from scratch, so I didn't copy paste existing quest from one of the companions.

Edited by ASDnametaken
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