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Disable Legendary Mutations


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Hey there all,

I've been playing in Survival-Mode for a bit now and there's always been one thing bugging me. I don't have much ammo, especially of my precious .308.
So it really disturbs me when I come along a legendary enemy. Especially Raiders: sneak-headshot them from afar only to end up wasting ammo, mines and my nerves just because they somehow end up healing themselves for no proper reason, one-shotting me afterwards.

So at this point I'm asking for someone to either disable the mutations at all or the just the healing. I don't mind them being overly strong after the mutation or maybe even to start with? What's annoying me is just the unreasonable healing.
(If you do come up with a proper explaination why a Raider should suddenly go back to full health with a glowing Aura around him, feel free to try and convince me, that it's legit. :happy: )


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Thanks for the reply!

I didn't intend to get rid of the legendaries completely, but will probably do, until there's something that gets rid of the healing. I don't really mind having a strong enemy, even if they one-shot me. The thing bugging me most is just that ridiculous healing (and the glowing, but there's already a mod getting rid of that).

So, what I'm looking for is probably a mod that makes legendaries spawn already mutated? If something like that exists or is possible to create.

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