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Total Realism Overhaul


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Sleep distribution:


First 12 hours - not tired

Next 12 hours - tired

Next 12 hours - sleep deprived

Next 12 hours - severely sleep deprived

Last 7 hours - dying from sleep deprivation


You need 8 hours of sleep to recover 24 hours worth of waking.


Let me know what you think of this. It's more linear than hunger and thirst stage distribution, but I wanted to keep some sort of rhythm to the whole thing.


Drunk levels: Sober, Tipsy, Drunk, Roaring Drunk, Pass Out


Getting drunk can have a serious effect on your gameplay:


Sober and tipsy have no effects. A little mead here and there is good for the heart they say.

Drunk gives you a 30% chance to stumble and fall every tick IF you are running or sprinting. If you are drunk, however, you have a smaller chance to get sick from eating stale and raw food.

Roaring drunk gives you a blurred screen effect and a 50% chance to stumble and fall even when walking, every tick (basically if you do get roaring drunk, either wait it out, sleep it out or fall down a mountain because you won't be going anywhere otherwise). You also have a 20% chance to puke every tick, which will make you immediately hungry.

Pass out is just what it says - you pass out, screen goes black, and you sleep for 8 hours.


It takes eight hours to go from Roaring Drunk/Pass Out stage back to Sober.


For later editions I may add a hangover effect + remedies.

Edited by Mansh00ter
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For the pass out stage is it possible to script the character waking up in a completely randomized location? :thumbsup:


I think it'd be funny if the pass out stage was equivalent to a blackout stage where the player has no idea where or how they got there... :P Maybe not for the initial release because it might be too difficult to script but maybe one of the following releases?

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For the pass out stage is it possible to script the character waking up in a completely randomized location? :thumbsup:


I think it'd be funny if the pass out stage was equivalent to a blackout stage where the player has no idea where or how they got there... :P Maybe not for the initial release because it might be too difficult to script but maybe one of the following releases?


Unfortunately, there is no feasible way to randomly select a location and then teleport the player to it - plus, that sort of thing might break your game, for example if you get teleported into a cell you're not supposed to be in yet, or out of a sealed quest stage (so you can't get back and complete the quest) and so on.


I may add some random stuff though - you might wake up naked and robbed (but I have to see if I can find a way to give the player a way to retrieve the items), or in jail etc. but not in the initial release.


Small idea:When eating food can you make it take time as you can eat 10 bits of food in what 1 second?


I was thinking about that, but ultimately it just needlesly complicated the whole process. Besides, I just learned that there is no way to make the game clock advance (damn CK Wiki should make it clearer when something is not applicable in Papyrus) from the script.


If you are talking about making it actually take real time (as in each time you eat, the process takes a few seconds), that's already in, but it doesn't stack. Each time you eat, your character cannot move for a few seconds and if you are in the third person view, you get to see a little animation of your character eating, drinking (or barfing if you eat the wrong stuff at the wrong time). But, you can eat ten apples and you will see only one animation. Which is just as well, since I don't want to make players lose control of their characters for a minute just because they spam-ate some food.


This drinking effect will extend to drinking potions as well, but NOT in the Basic Needs - that will be covered in the combat overhaul, since potions are often used in combat. This, coupled with the fact that potions will heal exclusively over time, should prevent potion spamming during combat.

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