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Total Realism Overhaul


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I am talking from a game design perspective. Bonus against lightning attacks and vulnerable to fire would be the simple way of putting it. electricity goes through the metal and is released into the ground so it is strong against same thing with having a ground wire for wiring. with heat though the metal acts like an oven and bakes you. both are intuitive unless you are completely ignorant and those fools couldn't figure a way out of a wet paper sack if they had a machete and really when games are made for them the games are too easy and suck requiring realism mods to fix them. Plus having realism in the name and being the complete opposite of real is like saying poop tastes good with cornflakes. neither are true.


Now for the leather it could be strong against fire or cold and weak against lightning.

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Hey, really good work, keep it up :)

Now I don't know if it has been asked or anything (sorry if it's the case) but will you put new racial traits in consideration?

For example:

-Nords: less penalties being drunk + Need to eat more

-Argonians: less food required / hunger comes more slowly + Penalties for being Drunk

-Khajiits: withstands raw food a lot better + Penalties for being Drunk (argonians and khajiits being animals)

-Elves (black and wood): reaching different stages of sleep deprivation takes longer + stages of hunger and water comes faster

-Humans + Redguards: No penalties + No bonuses


Or something like this, I think it would be a nice touch and add to the realism :)

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both are intuitive unless you are completely ignorant and those fools couldn't figure a way out of a wet paper sack if they had a machete and really when games are made for them the games are too easy and suck requiring realism mods to fix them.


Lol, when you put it like that... :)

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@Poleonil, racial traits sound like fun, but will have to be pushed back to the end of the schedule to avoid feature creep. Priority right now is getting Basic Needs to a feature-finished state and nicely playable and continuing on with Combat Overhaul. Once Total Realism is finished I would be glad to add details such as the ones you mentioned, to even further deepen the gameplay.
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Version 0.9 of Basic Needs is out now.



v0.9 change log



-added the ability to refill empty bottles of water at any inn - just ask the bartender or a servant!

-added a more efficient messaging system when players eat or drink. Now there is no longer need for guesswork.

-added the ability to drink directly from streams; to drink, you have to be outside combat, sheathe your weapon and crouch while standing in a source of fresh water

-added the blur vision effect for drunk, roaring drunk and alchohol poisoned states. Now you can fall down the mountain and it will really all be a blur!

-added effect descriptions for drunkenness stages



-fresh water is now detected much more effectively, meaning instantly.

-altered the effects food and drinks have in various stages of hunger; now it should feel more natural.

-increased the time needed to become hungry after being fully sated to 6 hours from 4.

-increased the time needed to become thirsty after being fully sated to 5 hours from 3.

-expanded the valid sources of fresh water; now only interior, stangant (non-moving) and marshland water is not good for drinking

-increased the weight of water bottles to: full(10), two thirds(6.6), one third(3.3) empty(1)

-snacks are now useless once you get very hungry or starving. Get some proper food!

-increased the upper limit of death by alcohol poisoning by 20% or another stiff one. Cheers!



-tired effects now display as detrimental (red), as they should

-fixed a bug where it was possible to keep drinking alcohol indefinitely. Now you can die from alcohol poisoning like a mortal you are. Nords be warned!

-fixed a bug which would make it impossible to wait out drunkenness

-fixed a bug that would make the player stuck when trying to play certain animations when the player was sitting



-added one more sip to a bottle of water to a total of 3; full, two thirds, one third, empty

-changed Cabbage to a snack, from raw food

-changed Venison Chop to a normal meal, from snack

-lowered the effect of Exhaustion by 30%

Edited by Mansh00ter
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